Saturday, February 13, 2016

Name Change to...

Hello there :) 

I'm so happy and many times in awe that you are reading and commenting on my little corner of the internet. It feels weird and sweet knowing that there is someone out in the world taking an interest in what I wrote. Many times I double check the graph to see if the line moved up to create another little mountain of love. hehe corny, right? yea well that's just little weird me there. Anyhoo, I thought about branching out to more social media platforms and maybe change up the website to represent me and my silly thoughts, but I've come to a small road block and would love your input about it all. So, here goes. I was trying to expand to other social media platforms but found that Feathered Arrows is taken in both Instagram and Twitter. Total bummer! But I knew there was a way to pass that road block and move on. I also knew that it wouldn't be easy and I may lose some of you who already follow my blog by e-mail or in bloglovin', and I really hope that I don't. I've been mulling over what I should name my blog now. Here is a list of names that I've come up with and are not taken on social media platforms. 

1. Winged Arrows
2. Karina.Julia
3. A dash of Gold
4. Leuzure 
5. A pen and a candle
6. Feisty Fox
7. & Nina
8. Sassy & Foxy
9. Inked feathers
10. Mia Chiquita 
11. Classy & Sassy
12. Rosey Lion
13. Wings and a lion
14. Just Karina Julia

If I come up with more I'll update this post. Let me know what you think. The change will happen by the end of the month and I'd love to know your thoughts, ideas, comments etc. xoxo

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